Workshop on Relative Langlands

General Information: This is the webpage for the workshop on relative Langlands organized at POSTECH in February 2025. It will take place in person at POSTECH in Pohang, South Korea. Feel free to contact any of the organizers if you have any questions.

News: There will be a conference and workshop on the relative Langands program organized by the National University of Singapore in January 2026.
Ruotao Yang will give a series of talks on the Gaiotto conjectures in the week after the workshop (February 17--21).

Organizers: Valentin Buciumas, Sungmun Cho, Yeansu Kim, Qirui Li

Date and place: February 8 -- 12, 2025. All lectures will take place in Room 104 in the POSTECH math department.

Directions to the POSTECH math department: see this campus map (math building is M-10) as well as general directions to get to Pohang. Here is the math department on google maps and naver maps.



Time February 8 February 9 February 10 February 11 February 12
9:30-11:30 Wan Wan Wan Wan
14:00-15:30 Wan (14:00-16:00) Takeda Takeda Takeda Takeda

Titles and abstracts:

Speaker Affiliation Title
Shuichiro Takeda Osaka University Distinguished representations and dual groups
Abstract: I will give an overview of basic theory of distinguished representations of $p$-adic groups especially in the context of symmetric spaces. In particular, I will talk about how to compute the dual groups of symmetric spaces with concrete examples and how they fit into the framework of the theory of relative matrix coefficients.
Chen Wan Rutgers University An introduction to the relative Langlands program
Abstract: In these talks, I will give an overview of the relative Langlands program, with an emphasis on period integrals and local multiplicity. I will start with some basic examples, then I will move to the “classical” setting of spherical varieties. Lastly I will discuss the more general setting of the relative Langlands duality. About half of the talks will be about the local aspect and the other half will be about the global setting. I will give as many specific examples as possible.