Valentin Buciumas

Valentin Buciumas photo

Assistant Professor
POSTECH, Department of Mathematics
77 Cheongam-ro, Nam-gu, Pohang, Korea 790-784
Office 221 Mathematical Science Building
Email: buciumas at postech dot ac dot kr
Personal email: valentin dot buciumas at gmail dot com

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in Mathematics at POSTECH in Pohang, South Korea. I received my PhD in 2016 from Stanford University where I was a student of Daniel Bump. Between 2016 and 2023 I was a postdoc at the KdV Institute / University of Amsterdam (with Jasper Stokman, 2021-2023), University of Alberta (with Manish Patnaik, 2020-2021), University of Queensland (with Masoud Kamgarpour, 2018-2020), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (with David Kazhdan, 2017-2018) and the Max Planck Institute in Bonn (2016-2017).


My interest is in representation theory (broadly interpreted to include connections with mathematical physics, number theory, algebraic combinatorics and geometry). I am specifically interested in the representation theory of $p$-adic groups and their generalizations (like metaplectic groups or loop groups), their Hecke algebras and connections to quantum theory (quantum groups, quantum symmetric pairs, categorification, Kazhdan-Lusztig combinatorics etc.).
I also have a long standing interest in solvable lattice models and special functions appearing in algebraic combinatorics, representation theory and geometry.
For more information, see my publication list.

Recently, I became interested in the Gaiotto conjectures and relative Langlands dualities.

If you feel like you have common interests, feel free to get in touch.


I am co-organizing with Qirui Li the the POSTECH-PMI Number Theory Seminar, see here.
I will be travelling to Hong Kong during June 3-13, to Dublin during June 23-27 and to Bucharest during July 3-5.